Weekly Horoscopes (11/24-11/30)


Serving you O.G. horoscope content, this week. And boy, is there a lot to talk about.

This week, Venus moves into Capricorn, we have a New Moon in Sagittarius, Neptune stations direct, Mercury forms a trine to Neptune, Venus and Uranus also form a trine on the American holiday of Thanksgiving,*stopping to catch my breath*, Mercury gets into a sextile with Saturn and then we enter the last month of 2019

If you couldn’t tell from that list, this week’s a doozy.

As I write these horoscopes to you from my Airbnb in Camden, London, UK (that’s my best guess on how to properly write that), I am already feeling the pull into the nebulous haze that next week promises. 

Just earlier today, I got frustrated while shuffling alongside an enormous crowd trying to board the Underground train, and realized my lack of presence. I had to remind myself that stalls and confusion are an equally important part of any journey as smooth and fast transitions, and that I was lucky to even be able to have feet to shuffle with.

The same sentiment applies to the rest of life, and is our collective lesson from Neptune and Venus, this week; obstruction of your plans is a nudge from the universe to re-ground and return to gratitude, to be reminded of the fact that you are here, still breathing and able to feel, and that in itself is something to be celebrated. 

Read the horoscopes for your rising, Sun, and Moon signs for more specific advice on the ~energy~ of this week, and then put your response (answer to one of the questions posed in the text, general thoughts, affirmations, goals for this week, or whatever else you want) in the response box below the ‘scope!

P.S. If you love this content and would like to support it (especially sign-by-sign ‘scopes!), consider making a one-time donation below and/or share these horoscopes with your friends! 



(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Welcome to your season, my love. While you usually want to get on with your year more than celebrate your birthday, I really encourage you to settle into the space in-between where you’ve been and where you’re going. Your journeys of the past year planted seeds that could bear exciting fruit for you, but they need to be watered with affirmation and enthusiasm. Look back on what you did and how you’ve grown. Offer words of gratitude to the people that lifted you up, and let go of what doesn’t deserve your attention. Know that you are the gatekeeper of what comes with you into this new cycle, so be intentional about naming what you want to keep nurturing in your life. The more intention and attention you give to this process of passing through this new portal, the more ripe this new year will be.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Venus moves into your sign, this week, and you gain access to her sweet and sensual nature, if you allow yourself to embrace it. Intimacy works because it is intuitive and unorganized. The more you try to control yourself, your life, and the people around you, the more disconnected and drab you will feel. What would it look like to organize your day according to your senses? Or according to what pleases you most? Let things be soft and untethered, this week, and see what happens.


(Jan. 20-Feb.18)

How have you been prioritizing your relationships, lately? If the answer is “not very much” make time this week to change that. The magic and freedom you are looking for will be encouraged by, if not come directly from, your partnerships. Take inventory of the kinds of partnerships- platonic, romantic, business and otherwise- you’re currently a part of. How might these dynamics need to be uplifted, changed, or renewed? How might you reveal a new side of yourself or become a bit more vulnerable? Relationships exist as containers for us to grow, learn, and enact reciprocity. Be intentional about using them for these purposes, this week.


(Feb.19-March 20)

You’re being supported on all fronts, this week, and the blessings are premium. If you stop to question if you deserve them, they will pass you by. The thing is, being humble is not about rejecting what’s being given to you, it’s accepting it with grace and gratitude. All you do when you protest your gifts is communicate to whatever is listening that don’t want whatever is up for offer. This week, when something comes your way, simply ask yourself if you want it. If the answer is no, let it pass you by and find its rightful place, but if the answer is yes, use it as an opportunity to learn more about how to receive.


(March 21-April 19)

You may be tempted to act first and then ask for forgiveness rather than negotiate and talk through your moves, this week. My advice is to not do that. The negotiation process and cluing people in on what you’re doing and why you’re doing it is an important part of vetting your ideas and where you’re investing your energy. If something doesn’t feel worth explaining or jumping through hoops for, it’s not the move, right now.


(April 20-May 20)

Your ruling planet moves into Capricorn, this week, and can push you to be quite hard on yourself and your progress. Remember that approaching old issues with new perspective is progress, and give yourself credit for how far you’ve come in your responses. Whenever you start to question your growth, remember: don’t compare your lane to others’, and know that you need to change the standard you’re measuring yourself up to more than you need to change anything about yourself.


(May 21-June 21)

There’s no way to tell if something will work until you do it. This week supports you getting lost in the process. Set a timer for three hours but have no plan, dance everytime you can’t seem to think of what should come next, or create some other system that transforms your way of working. You are a creative spirit. Allow your creative side to have a say, not just in what you do but how you do it, this week.


(June 22-July 22)

You seem to be in a lull phase. Not quite out of where you were, and not quite sure when the next opportunity will arrive. Your best bet at this time is to take inventory of what worked and didn’t before, mourn any losses of what was, and rest. Remain present in the lull. Resist the urge to do something just to do something, or you’ll end up in an arrangement you’ll have to get yourself out of just as fast. Your time and your new horizon are coming, Cancer. Have faith that you’ll know when it’s time to make new moves.


(July 23-Aug. 22)

You have a chance to redefine yourself and try some new forms of self-expression, right now. How are you making this process a priority? No one else has the answers for what it looks like to live your life the “right” way. So, why not have fun defining things for yourself? You’ll find the most promising success just outside your comfort zone, this week. Step into new spaces confident that you can make anything work.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your intuition is on ten, this week, which also means you need to watch how self-critical you are. Decisions and ideas may come to you fast and stopping to question them drains them of their sparkle and momentum. Have a goal for how many times you’ll let yourself follow what your gut tells you without question, in both small and big decisions, and be more invested in sticking to that goal than you are invested in questioning yourself.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

What is the most radical direction you could go in your life right now? Something that feels authentic with where you want to go, but you’ve never fully committed to. Something that would make the people around you question you a bit, and that you would have to defend. I want you to take at least one step in that direction, this week. I want to challenge you to make a sharp turn towards risky but fertile new ground. That’s where your “next big thing” lives.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This week, remember that nothing is ever really that serious. Find the humor and unimportance in whatever is giving you problems. The more you can dance with and succumb to everything in your life, the less power it has and the more manageable and fluid everything becomes. Find ways to make everything a little less rigid, this week, and see what magic arises from the new space.

Jaliessa Sipress

Astrologer, artist, writer