
The total amount of your reading is due 72 hours in advance of your schedueled reading time. You have up to 24 hours prior to your appointment to reschedule or cancel and receive a full refund. If you choose to reschedule or cancel within the 24 hour period, your payment will be forfeited and a new appointment must be scheduled. If you do not show up to your appointment within the first 10 minutes of the reading start time, this is considered a "no show," in which case your payment will be forfeited and a new appointment must be scheduled. 

If you cancel a Pay-What-You-Can session within 24hrs of the scheduled appointment time, or you do not show up to your appointment within 10 minutes of the scheduled appointment time (a “No-Show”), you forfeit your access to the PWYC appointments and must, from then-on, select appointments from the paid menu.


I do not offer refunds on any of my products of services. Please contact me with any questions or concerns about this policy.


All things said in intake forms and during readings are completely confidential. Your intake form is proccessed through Acuity Schedueling. Please read their privacy policy to ensure you consent to the way they may handle the information your provide when you book. 



The results of any reading or program provided through Obsidian Moon Astrology are not meant to substitute professional medical, financial, psychological or otherwise legal advice.

A spiritual professional cannot predict the future with certainty and you should not rely on any reading or otherwise spiritual program to make any decision that would affect your legal, financial, or medical condition.

If your inquiry involves the law, finance, or medicine, then you should seek the advice of a licensed or qualified legal, financial, or medical professional.

My Astrology readings cannot and do not claim to replace qualified mental health care. In certain jurisdictions, spiritual professionals are required to disclose to you that readings should be for entertainment purposes only, and if such a law applies to your reading, then you are hereby on notice thereof.

I, as a spiritual professional, am bound by a self-imposed code of ethics, which can be provided to you upon request.


(Last updated 05/24/2018)

Acceptence of Terms

By visiting, submitting any personal information, and/or purchasing a product or service from this website, you are agreeing to the terms of service and privacy policies listed herein. 



Information collected

Personal Information

When you sign up for the Obsidian Moon Astrology Newsletter, fill out a survey, book a reading or provide any personal information in exchange for any service or product of Obsidian Moon Astrology, you may be asked for your name, email address, home address, billing information or other personal information. This information will from here-on-out be referred to as "personal information." Personal information is not gathered involuntarily when you visit the website or social media pages of Obsidian Moon Astrology or Jaliessa Sipress and will first request your consent prior to collecting this data. 

Third-Party Affiliations

Obsidian Moon Astrology utilizes MailChimp, Acuity Scheduling, Instagram, Facebook, Google analytics and Squarespace to run various programs. Each of these platforms has their own terms of service and privacy policies with which you are required to comply with in order to access Obsidian Moon Astrology's content hosted through these sites. Please always read the terms of service before providing them with any personal information whatsoever as Obsidian Moon Astrology and Jaliessa Sipress hold no responsability for their particular privacy practices. 

Have questions or concerns? Contact me