Full Moon Horoscopes (12/11-12/16)


Today marks the Full Moon in Gemini-the last Full Moon before Eclipse season is upon us.

This Full Moon is also accompanied by a Venus-Saturn conjunction that will flavor the feeling of this Moontime with some questions about restriction, relationship, tradition, and the future.

Read the horoscopes for your rising, Sun, and Moon signs below and then put your Full Moon goals, musings, questions, worries, excitements, etc, in the response box below it!

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(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

A Full Moon in your opposing sign serves to remind you of your duality. You thrive on challenge and difficulty, but things don’t have to always be that way. Where in your life do things feel loving, easy, and light? How can you further nurture those space and connections and demonstrate their importance to you? These dynamics hold you when the going gets tough in your other worlds, and restore you in ways you don’t even realize. Make an effort to recognize and celebrate that, this moon.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

With a Full Moon in your sixth house, and the Venus-Saturn conjunction in your home sign, this day (and week) might be a doozy. You’re meant to be looking at where in your life you most often self-impose restrictions. Maybe this is with your creativity, maybe in your relationships-with what you think you can and cannot have, or do or do not deserve-or maybe it’s your diet or routines. Take a look at your life and where you feel you have been policing yourself far too harshly. Then, make an actionable plan for how you’ll start to loosen your grip and allow some levity in this space. Maybe even create a goal for where you want to be with this by the New Moon (12/25).


(Jan. 20-Feb.18)

You often feel responsible for those around you and for having a clear mind and eye-but this job is unsustainable if you don’t break from it from time to time. This Full Moon, find a way to embrace the messy taboo parts of life and of your desires. There is space for all parts of you to coexist. You are the one who compartmentalizes and stifles your expansion. Play with the idea of “falling apart,” in a light way, this Moon, and see what insight it gives you about where to go next.


(Feb.19-March 20)

If you have been stretching yourself in order to make others comfortable, how will you go about calling your energy back to yourself? What does the process of going back within, to find what you really want and how you want to be held, look like? Often, we think the world will collapse if we pull our hands in to nurture ourselves, but this is as self-centered of an understanding as always only thinking of yourself. Your homework is to pull your hands from whatever situations you have being trying to make work, and see what happens. 


(March 21-April 19)

The Full Moon, your thoughts may be restricting you. What people have thought about you, or what people have thought about what you’re doing, who you’re dating, etc in the past is creating pressure and pause for you. Don’t let it. Think about what you want to be the standard and truth about who you are and what you venture to do and work with this energy of the Full Moon to make this idealized version your new story, to make it the spring board by which you do all things. 


(April 20-May 20)

There is no bigger enemy than yourself, my love. All of the harsh thinking and second-guessing is coming from you. What would it look like to step out of your own way, right now? To surrender to your own inner brilliance and intuition instead of your inner critic? Living and loving here on Earth is your only job, and there’s no right or wrong way to do it. Keep to the path and trust you’re being guided in the right direction. 


(May 21-June 21)

It’s your Full Moon, my love! What an invigorating time. You may be in the middle of a huge identity shift, right now, and the Venus-Saturn conjunction feels like a heavy weight on your back. This journey that you’re on is one your ancestors wanted to walk but felt they couldn’t, it’s unlocking new possibilities for your lineage-it’s a big deal. The resistance you’re feeling is the one to change and the unknown, it is not an indication to slow down or turn back. Keep leaning into where the discomfort is-it’s where you’ll find the keys to the next phase of your path. 


(June 22-July 22)

A Full Moon in your twelfth house and the Venus-Saturn conjunction in your seventh is a combination that may make you revert back to being a child-where you feel lost and in need of guidance as to how to do things “right” and to stay safe. But the part of your inner child that will be most useful, right now, is the one that knows how to play and laugh through any situation, one that walks through the world wide-eyed and doesn’t yet have assumptions about what things “mean.” Try to find this part of you and let it out to play in some way everyday, at least until the New Moon/Eclipse (12/25).


(July 23-Aug. 22)

You may currently feel a lot of pressure to tone down and fit in, to quiet what is loud and untamed in you. Contrarily, now is the time for this part of you to be integrated. What does it mean, or look like, for the most unruly parts of you to have a place in your work? In your relationships? In your daily routines? How would this change your life and the lives of those around you? The bigger you give yourself permission to be, the more of an inspiration you are for others to follow suit.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You may be getting really tired of people thinking small and just echoing one another all the time. Even if brighter ideas about how to innovate have not come to you yet, you are committed to finding and honoring them, and stepping away from the tired ways things have always been done. This Full Moon reminds you that your mind and body are connected, and that if you want to think different you have to move different. How can you use movement to find new paths and open your system up to receive new information? This is your task, this week.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This Full Moon wants you to loosen your grip on what makes you comfortable. You have been asking for new things and wondering why nothing has happened, but your hands are too full with thoughts and relationships of the past to invite anything new in. What does it look like to set some things down? Particularly whatever feels scariest to step away from? Just because you let go does not mean these things will leave, it means you will both have the freedom to interact, not the obligation. Explore what this means to you on this Full Moon, and remember to then take intentional action.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You have reached some kind of threshold in a cycle in your life, particularly ones having to do with community, sexuality, thought patterns, or family baggage. Whatever cycle you think of when you read that sentence is the one that must be looked at. Release is such an important part of life, and you know very well how to let go, but you can be a bit harsh. Explore what it means to release and move on lovingly with the intention of keeping the door open. This is a practice in vulnerability that is very important for you to learn, right now.

Jaliessa Sipress

Astrologer, artist, writer