Weekly Horoscopes (11/04-11/10) — JALIESSA SIPRESS

Weekly Horoscopes (11/04-11/10)


This week, we continue on with Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. This particular retrograde is a reminder to not run from what is hard and traumatizing and triggering, but to instead see those responses to certain topics or environments as our system’s cry to heal our relationship to those things. Use the retrograde as a reason to slow down and take more time with yourself and your responses. You and your nervous system deserve it!

The major transits this week:

11/05: Square between Mars and Pluto: An invitation to see where you are misusing or misdirecting your power, or whom may be doing that in your immediate circle.

11/08: Sun sextile Saturn: Support for linear thinking and detail-oriented work.

Sun trine Neptune: A nudge to bring a little magic and whimsy to your approach.

Saturn sextile Neptune: An inquiry into how we meld the spiritual and structured, how we create a dance instead of a power struggle between our intuition and our “rational” mind.

11/09: Mercury sextile Pluto: A time for digging deeper into what truth is and how we enact it in our lives.

The recurring theme is to sink a little bit deeper than you feel comfortable with-to go a layer deeper in your understanding, vulnerability, and presence, this week.

Let the questions below help you initiate this process.

The questions below are for you to answer. Each question is meant to help you zero in on how the Astrology of this week will affect a specific area of your life with presence and intention. This format is meant to help guide you in getting in touch with your own insight around how to navigate the current cosmic climate.

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Fire insight of the week (creativity, sexuality, etc):

What topics do you usually shy away from in your creative process? Why?

Water insight of the week (emotion, intuition, spirit, etc):

How can you make your relationship to spirit (God, goddess, universe, yourself, or whatever else you answer to) a little bit more vulnerable? What would that look like for you?

Earth insight of the week (money, stability, structure, worth, etc):

What would your ideal world look like without a need to worry about “stability”?

Air insight of the week (mind, understanding, communication, relationships, etc):

How do you know when you’ve reached the limits of your rational mind and it’s time to consult your spirit? What are your favorite ways to consult your spirit?

Jaliessa Sipress

Astrologer, artist, writer